There are numerous inspiring and comforting quotes on
failure, how great it is to fail and how failure is not failure but actually a
stepping stone to success. Without fail( pun completely intended)every
inspirational biography and autobiography we read, of great men and women who
have transformed lives by the works of their hands and who've shifted dynamic
milestones, is rife with stories of how these icons have fallen many times,
picked themselves up, dusted off the debris clinging on and forged forwards.
Every motivational speaker be they on the pulpit, podium, dais, lectern or platform,
sings the same song – of the beauty of rising from failure like the lady of the
lake at dawn in the Welsh folk tale.
When Ralph Waldo Emerson says ‘The greatest glory in living lies not in never
falling, but in rising every time we fall and Bill Gates says ‘It’s fine to
celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.’
They mean exactly that. And we so often preach the good gospel of their messages.
Now let’s get out of the time warp of all things good theory
and reflect on what happens in reality. What reaction do we have when an employee
in our organization makes a fatal mistake that: costs the company losses in
millions of shillings or dollars; makes a service delivery blunder that causes
brand damage to the organization and results in negative publicity; impacts on
a high net worth value customer in the close circles of the CEO’s buddy list?
In a recent training session, the reaction from a group of
senior customer experience managers was that ‘heads would roll’. It was
definite. There was no discussion around it. It was a given. I have since
conducted a small poll amongst my colleagues in industry around the globe and
the verdict is watertight. That consequences would follow and these
consequences would not dressed up as an opportunity to look back at the
mistake, determine root cause and learn from it, but rather as consequences
that ‘teach’ the entire organization that mediocrity will not be tolerated.
Well……….if one is logged as a serial and habitual
mistake-maker, then coming down hard is not an option but a mandatory next
step. However, if one makes a genuine mistake then should we not take a step
back, do root cause analysis, learn from the findings and move on, richer for
the experience?
The current punitive culture severely erodes the gains
slowly being made in the customer service industry. When staff are too fearful
to report their mistakes, terrorized by the thought that they may lose their
jobs or be subjected to some ‘head rolling’ disciplinary measures, they would
much rather keep mum about it. And because there’s comradeship in error, fellow
colleagues happily aide the ‘culprit’ cover up the ‘crime’ seeing as to it,
they may be the next offenders. And so the vicious cycle continues. Genuine
mistakes do not get assessed, the source of the service failure does not get analyzed
and corrective and preventive action goes un-instituted. And yes you guessed
right - the bearer of the brunt of all these non-happenings is the customer,
who experiences the unresolved process or people issues over and over again.
We need a complete culture change – starting from top leadership.
Where genuine mistakes are truly viewed as learning opportunities and where
service failure is embraced as useful feedback in the business loop. We need to
move away from thinking of staff who make mistakes as perpetrators of crime but
as victims of our systems, processes, procedures or transactions gone bad that
need rework. We need to extend this thinking across business and have leaders champion
the cause of truly embracing failure with open arms. No matter the gravity of
the mistake, if it is established that indeed a genuine mistake has been made,
then subsequent reactions should angle towards learning. There’s an anonymous quote about customer
complaints being the school book from which we learn. If we embrace this school
of thought, we should all be sporting PHD degrees by now.
It may be a long journey ahead to create transformation in
this area for it is natural for leadership to strike out and ‘deal’ with
offenders. But as clichéd as it is, every journey indeed begins with the first
step and recognition of the lack in this area is already a big step forward. As
we regroup to re-programme and recalibrate to hardwire the national thinking
towards espousing genuine failure, we need to soberly internalize the wise
words of Colleen Barrett – President South West Airlines, whose biggest pain
point is a foul attitude far that far outweighs mistakes…………..
“We’re looking for
people who take the business seriously, but not themselves. A sense of humor is
a must. And we look for people who were raised on values like the golden rule….we’re a very forgiving company in terms of
good honest mistakes, but we’re not at all forgiving about attitude and
behavior and demeanor.”
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