The dictionary describes an asset
as a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality. The business dictionary goes
ahead to further qualify this as “something valuable that an entity owns,
benefits from, or has use of, in generating income. It proceeds to enumerate
the definition in accounting terms as “something that an entity has acquired or
purchased, and that has money value; and that assets shown on the business
balance sheet, are usually classified according to the ease with which they can
be converted into cash.”
With this definition, the
customer then takes on the shape and form of quite a valuable asset that fits
squarely into the description. Indeed: customers are useful and valuable,
without whom the business ceases to exist, and the business vision for which it
was created ceases to have a foothold; organizations most definitely benefit
from and have such valuable ‘use of’ customers that form the foundation of
their operations; and customers are income generating entities, from where the
revenue to drive the business comes from including planned innovations,
strategy activities and expansion initiatives.
Many things have been said about
the customer including the age old catch phrases that - the customer is always
right, the customer is king and in some places the customer should always come
first. Whereas all these have served over time, and oftentimes have their
validity debated in the context of the current customer experience environment.
The original intention however, is what should be valued, where the originators
intended for focus on the customer to given the deserved attention.
Where the world has moved now and
the new emphasis on getting customer experience into the boardroom to ensure
discussions on customer acquisition, satisfaction, retention and loyalty; is to
describe the customer in the right way, using the right format, with the right
terms that fit into the right placement in business discussion. And with that
in mind – The Customer is An Asset!
With this mind frame, it is
expected that there will be a positive attitude shift towards customers within
the entire organization. Organizations rank assets very high in their priority
lists. Assets are precious items that must be well taken care of, well guarded,
well looked after and well protected. The same must be said and done of our
customers. They must be center of our focus and handled in pretty much the same
way that assets are. Company assets are entered into the company books of
accounts and are listed as very important items when computing the value of the
company. The same must be done of customers, up to and including computing the
value of the customer base and assessing the company’s overall standing.
The moment customers are viewed
as assets and accorded the same due respect, then the current challenging need
to crank up the efforts to have customer experience as an important leadership
agenda will ease. It will be automatic. Assets are beautiful things, valued
things, precious things, treasured and appreciated things. And so the customer
should be and must be. The call to action for every entrepreneur, every
business person, every organization and brand is to rework the thinking and the
script, to most definitely read “The
Customer is An Asset”
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